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Limitless Healing The Collective

Welcome to Limitless Healing The Collective home of the EE System. Where science and Spirituality are bridged together to create the ultimate healing experience. The EE System has been installed worldwide to promote wellness, healing, relaxation, rejuvenation, oxygenation, detoxification and regeneration. This amazing “energy spa system is used by individuals, families, doctors, therapist, researchers, nutrition companies, veterans, and veterinarians, as well as meditation, and wellness centers to support all manner of physical, mental and spiritual development and well-being. 

Member agreement


About us

I have always been intuitive, able to offer guidance and insight. My Spiritual Journey has lifted the veil and I am Grateful to share my many gifts and talents with the world while being the Light that I am. If you are reading this it is not by chance that you are here and let this be confirmation that you have found your healing center and everything is working out in your favour just say yes! Give Thanks.

 Experience the surprising affects
on issues like these:

• Arthritis •Autism • Auto immune disorders •Blood disorders •Brain fog • Ionizing radiation • Chronic fatigue •Detoxification •Depression •Diabetes •Diabetic neuropathy •Fibromyalgia •Infertility •Injury-recovery •Lyme disease •Memory loss •Multiple sclerosis  •Nervous system disorders •Sickle cell •Anemia •Pain relief •Parkinson’s, and more

EESystem Self-Care Membership

The Energy Enhancement System is where science and spirituality are bridged. The EE System generates multiple bio, active life enhancing energy fields, including ”Scalar waves”  which can allow cell regeneration, improve circulation and immune function, Reduce inflammation, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing the R/L brain for optimal meditation and sleep states, increasing cell membrane potential, mitochondrial and stem cell activity and energy levels for optimum function.

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About I am Limitless Corporation

Limitless Healing The Collectives mission is to provide a “Energy Spa” experience that features a powerful EE System “Scalar wave” environment that has proven to be a useful addition for pain management, overall health, maintenance and more. This technology has been providing health benefits around the world for over 20 years! The Scalar waves and Toroidal field emitted by the system provide benefits of the body similar to what the sun does to help a garden grow, and what creates the perfect health enhancing environment in which your body can really relax and restore itself. Best of all we’ve made it available to you at Florida’s lowest rates.


Home of the EE System

Your Gateway to Ultimate Wellbeing.

“ This is your healing” 

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